Appoints Representative | Name | Description | Term |
StatusResource Management and Planning | Jason Kayne (Contact) | Interim Director, Facilities Management | Indefinite | |
Resource Management and Planning | Richard Cota | Assistant Director, Facilities Management | Indefinite | |
Resource Management and Planning | Mark Jurgens | Superintendent, FM Building Operations | Indefinite | |
Committee On Committees | Kenneth Vecchio (Chair) | Faculty, Nanoengineering | Indefinite | CURRENTCommittee on Committees | Karl Hanold | Faculty, Chemistry/BioChemistry | Indefinite |
Committee on Committees | John B. Kosmatka | Faculty, Engineering | Indefinite |
Committee on Committees | Andrew C. Kummel | Faculty, Chemistry / Biochemistry |
Indefinite | | Committee on Committees | Jeff Severinghaus | Faculty, SIO Geosciences Research Status |
colour | Green |
title | Current |
Committee on Committees | Clifford M. Surko | Faculty, Physics | Indefinite |
Status |
colour | Green |
title | Current on John B. Kosmatka EngineeringNanoengineering | Indefinite |