RepresentativeNameRepresentatives | Description | Term |
Members |
VC Health Sciences | Keith Pezzoli | Faculty Representative | 9.30.209Ken Hall | Director or Facilities and Operations | Prabhakar Bandaru | Committee Co-Chair, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | 09.30. |
209CCCE | Susan Narucki | Faculty Representative | CCCC** | Alessandro Palermo | Professor, Structural Engineering, JSOE | 09.30. |
19CCCE9Jorge Cortes | Faculty Representative (Alternate) | Patrick Patterson | Associate Professor, History Department | 09.30. |
209CCCE | Tal Golan | Faculty Representative | Health Sciences | Tara L. Cameron | Committee Co-Chair, Director of Health Sciences Space Management, VC-Health Sciences | 09.30. |
19IndefiniteCCCE | David Traver | Faculty Representative | 9.30.20 |
CCCE | Adrian Borsa | Faculty Representative | 9.30.20 |
VC Academic Affairs | Tara Cameron | Director of Space Planning | 9.30.20 |
VC Health Sciences | Jeff Kaplan | Senior Director Planning and Space Management | 9.30.20 |
VC Student Affairs | John Hughes | Senior Director Finance, Facilities and Operations | 9.30.20 |
VC CFO HDH | Robert Frazier | Principal Administrative Analyst | 9.30.20 |
VC Advancement | Marlene Shaver | Assistant VC | 9.30.20 |
VC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | Frank Silva | Associate VC | 9.30.22 |
Associated Students | Sky Yang | Undergraduate Student Representative | 9.30.23 |
Associated Students | Vacant | Undergraduate Student Representative | Graduate and Professional Student Association | Petia Yanchulova | Graduate Student Representative | 9.30.20 |
Staff Association | Francisco Salinas | Staff Representative | 9.30.21 |
Ex Officio |
Resource Management & Planning | Robert Clossin - Executive to the Committee | Campus Planning Director | Indefinite |
Resource Management & Planning | Cristiana Winter | Capital Planning Associate Director | Academic Affairs | Adrienne R. Gallo | Director of Space / Capital Planning, | 09.30.2025 |
Student Affairs | John D. Hughes | Assistant Vice Chancellor / Residential Management | 09.30.2025 |
Marine Sciences | Vikki Cutri | Capital Planning/Space and Facilities Management Analyst | 09.30.2025 |
UC San Diego Health | Lindsay Murphy | Senior Planner, Facilities Planning/ Management | 09.30.2025 |
Operations Management and Capital Programs | Bryan Macias | Project Manager, Capital Program Management | 09.30.2025 |
Advancement | Drew C. Hunsinger | Associate Vice Chancellor, University Development | 09.30.2025 |
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion | Belinda Zamacona | Deputy Chief of Staff | 09.30.2025 |
Research Affairs | TBD | Open seat | 09.30.2025 |
CFO | Michael Salas | General Manager, Housing/Dining/ Hospitality | 09.30.2025 |
Staff Association | Sophia Limon | Moore's Cancer Center | 09.30.2025 |
Student Affairs | To be appointed | Undergraduate Student | 09.30.2025 |
Student Affairs | To be appointed | Graduate Student | 09.30.2025 |
Committee Staff |
Operations Management and Capital Programs | Robert A. Clossin | Executive to the Committee; Director, Campus Planning | Indefinite |
Operations Management and Capital Programs | April Alarcón, Recording Secretary | Associate Planner, Campus Planning | Indefinite |