Recommendations from group online survey and meeting discussion
Move forward with Gold minimum recommendations for all projects above $5M.
-Any circumstances that prevent Gold from being met, provide a justification letter for Silver.
-O+M to be mentioned in policy, with requirements of project teams going through LEED scorecard (with or without certification).
-Provide utility baseline of current LEED projects to set matrix or formula for projects under $5M.
-Pilot projects section to be mentioned in policy to begin recommendations of WELL, FitWell, LBC, Parksmart, etc. (Not mandated) Those pilots will be based on stakeholder engagement and budgetary constraints.
-Concerns around life cycle cost (cost of maintenance) and needing language to point back to master spec (review what we know doesn’t work for UCSD). Consistently replacing materials (even green materials) is not truly sustainable ownership.
-Re-evaluate who is involved with sustainability on campus. Revamp their roles and create recurring forum to manage policy and stakeholder outreach.
-Bi-annual survey of completed projects, include students; may use ARC system?
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