Initial Survey Results

Initial Survey Results

  1. Survey results
    a. Quantifiable results
    i. Do you know GIS/capabilities

  2. Majority of people said yes

  3. Some of this covered in the mission statement

  4. If you would like further explanation please reach out directly, I will also provide links for you to explore after the meeting.
    ii. Do you/your staff have interest in learning GIS software?

  5. Mostly Yes, with some that want to learn more about GIS

  6. Online canned (own pace) vs interactive?
    iii. Level of interest utilizing GIS

  7. Most would like to view

  8. Quite a few would like to analyze

  9. And a few would like to build and maintain data
    iv. Rank layers/data

  10. Emergency Services – work closely with dispatch currently, updating our building and roads data – base layers

  11. Underground utilities – working with Latitude 33 and CPM to move the data from the Latitude 33 instance to our Administrative AGOL instance. The idea is that all layers will be served through our portal. That way we have the most up-to-date, one source, regardless of who is maintaining

  12. Jurisdictional – what I might consider base layers as well, and for the most part layers that Campus Planning is focused upon

  13. Accessibility

  14. Points of Interest

  15. Night Safety

  16. Leases

  17. Environmental

  18. Landscaping
    v. Rank functionality

  19. Wayfinding

  20. Data accuracy

  21. Reporting – websites and dashboards

  22. Spatial Analysis

  23. Event Planning

  24. Streamline fieldwork workflows

  25. Indoor wayfinding
    b. Open-ended questions
    i. What would you like to learn, understand better, about GIS

  26. Question:
    a. If I can integrate with interactive digital signage system?
    b. Popular mapping formats? I publicly available series of sample maps would be great. Bring all mapping solutions into GIS, utilize data as one source, only one person, or group is responsible for editing particular layers.

  27. Quick Discussion:
    a. Know more about the various uses and capabilities. Full scope of capabilities, integration with other existing campus facilities and planning software. Leveraging GIS to make existing processes more efficient and effective
    b. The capabilities the system could have to assist with emergency response on campus.
    c. The process to ensure updates on our campus goes through one central approval body; prior to sending out to SANGIS or sending in updates directly to Google. That is me/Campus Planning, as alluded to in the opening.
    d. How we can get a license across campus and use it to share and work collaboratively. Reach out to me if you need a license.
    e. In addition its interaction with TRIRIGA software. There is a plug-in, which could allow for viewing the building location. Spaces is much more of a process, as most drawings have been developed in 0,0 space.
    f. How can it be used for capital construction projects? Set up an application for PMs to develop their own boundaries and alerts. Thus obviating the need to draw these boundaries four times as is currently the process.
    ii. One sticking point that GIS could solve

  28. Question
    a. People counting in real time – IoT, Smart Campus Initiative
    b. Digital signage/kiosk wayfinding for entire campus or individual buildings – expensive! And, as stated with spaces, data massage will need to be performed.
    c. Automation of heat map? Eventually site utility info/locations.

  29. Quick Discussion
    a. Comparison of site scenarios with different extents and associated [potential/estimated]cost
    b. Field inspections & Maintenance recordkeeping
    c. Campus drone photos. They are taken by multiple groups and contain a wealth of data. If we can incorporate them into a library and use them in GIS applications, it would be powerful. A wonderful idea!
    d. Lack of individual address on buildings. Once dispatch has updated their Computer Aided Dispatch system, we will formally push out existing addresses. Issue: cost of signage for buildings and roads.
    e. One central on-campus location for communication about GIS issues. This workgroup is that location, and I am the GIS point person
    f. Way finding, better data maintenance workflows, duplication of efforts
    g. There are too many tools for the everyday user to grasp. Campus GIS guidance on which tools are used for what purposes would be helpful.
    h. Borders identifying various areas of responsibility between departments, e.g. HDH areas of responsibility for grounds maintenance.