5-16-2019 Policy & Standards Working Group Meeting notes
May 16, 2019
Sean Parker
Walt Kanzler
Michelle Perez
Sam Farmer
Colin Moynihan
Sara McKinstry
- Update every 3 years instead of 5 to follow Title 24 and LEED.
Direction from VC Matthews and AVC Jackson: On right track overall, keep working towards this. Feedback on how we are doing it. Policy denotes a certain process and level of rigor that we aren’t yet following. 2007 Green Building Policy not actual policy. If we want to do an actual policy, it’ll take longer and will have to follow the right steps. e.g., goes through Academic Senate, Chancellor signs off. We still want t go that route.
Whatever we put in policy should be high-level and less detailed. However will need implementation guidelines we can do under VC RMP. Provide to all project managers.
Policy & Records will then make sure updated regularly.
Michelle going to meet with Paula Johnson in Policy & Record about next steps on policy route. At same time we can work on implementation guidelines and backup for why asking for policy change. And create timeline for how to get Academic Senate review.
Put in budget ask for consultant help on implementation guidelines. If Sustainability doesn’t have funding, Walt can ask for CPM funding. He thinks consultant should generate and drive it. Do RFQ though under $100K. Or reach out to two or three to get quotes. Doug Kot maybe, someone from Gaia, Janika McFeely from Integral Group.
Michelle and Walt develop SOW for consultant and run by this working group.
Gary and Steve said socialize idea and hear concerns. Need comm plan internally on how want to message internally. Simple that people can get.
Workshop to happen will be for just top 3-4 concerns. Less to tell them our recommendations but to talk about their concerns — more of a town hall.
At same time: policy, comm plan with socialization and town hall/workshop, development of implementation guidelines with consultant. Roadmap strategy showing where consensus and what meetings still remain. (Still some issues with leasees and following tiering FM model.)
Triton doing Fitwel and LBC. Trying to get Pepper Canyon with WELL.
Do a sustainability summit with all the major projects to share best practices. Doing it with Design Review Board with projects. Do something similar with 3-4 major projects, project-based discussion. Some doing LCCA. ILF has LCCA model suggestion. Harvard has Green Building Services “consultant team” on their campus.
LEED Gold V4 minimum. LEED IDC and O+M more. (Leverage students to do with surveys and use San Diego GBC gap program too: they need $25-30K to help them do that though. Work with building manager and MSO’s all the time to help push it forward.) Try to do LBC where feasible. Projects over.
Need to share info to RMP leadership showing how LEED building are performing and LCCA, TOC, operations.
Study done with guidelines on how our LEED buildings perform compared to non-LEED in higher ed. Also show how higher ed has driven the industry to use LEED and happening in other building types, contractors get better, etc.
Something in language about working through Real Estate with P3’s and tenants to increase their sustainability awareness and help them help us meet our sustainability goals.
Leveraging pilots for LBC, FitWel, WELL and TRUE.
Need to keep full group informed to keep them in loop of where we are at.