9/26/19 Meeting Notes

9/26/19 Meeting Notes


Sep 26, 2019


  • Sara Mckinstry, Chair

  • Michelle Perez, Sustainability and FM

  • Tony Singleton, IPPS

  • Maggie Grey, IPPS/Dining

  • Kim Kane, Geisel Library/SSN

  • Jose Reynoso, FM Building Services

  • Colin Moynihan, HDH

  • Brian Hooks, FM Landscape Services

  • Jeffrey Summerhays, FM Zero Waste

  • Jason Kayne, FM

  • Steve Jackson, AVC RMP

  • Kate Phin, EH&S

  • Fabian Rodriguez, EDCO

  • Ralph Dauphin, HDH



Zero Waste Plan

Agenda and notes







Homework for Oct 24 meeting

Sara McKinstry

Zero waste plan feedback

Sara McKinstry

  • No major revisions from VC Matthews. Minor wording changes.

  • Sara will make changes and submit to UCOP and put on sustainability website.

  • Will revise once EDCO waste audit is complete.

FY19 zero waste reporting

Sara McKinstry

  • See slides for what Sara was able to collect and not collect for annual UCOP reporting.

  • FY19 diversion rate of 38% (not including construction and demo waste), up from 34% in FY18.

  • Kudos to HDH for being able to give Sara numbers of paper or plastics disposables bought in FY18 versus FY19 so she could calculate tons avoided as reduction!

Update on EDCO transition

Jeffrey Summerhays

Fabian Rodrigues

  • Smooth transition by 9/16/19. Only 4 dumpsters out of 300 had problems.

  • Student move-in: 11.86 tons recycled with no major contamination, overflowing of trash, etc. Jeffrey and Fabian to provide final tonnage numbers to WG ASAP.

  • Still need to improve messaging to parents and students.

Common area recycling poster review

Sara McKinstry

  • Everyone seemed fine with layout, look and feel, etc.

  • Will ask Rhett to reshoot athletes so no liners in recycling bins as different parts of campus use different colored liners (FM uses blue, UCEN black, HDH clear, etc.)

Plastic film specialized recycling

Jeffrey Summerhays

  • Jeffrey, Fabian and Jen Bowser in Sustainability met with Robbie Jacob at Trade Street

  • Were looking at having Trade Street delivery drivers collect plastic films in new bins behind buildings, store at Trade Street, and recycle through EDCO to send to Trex

  • Need at least 40,000 pounds for EDCO to be able to bale and sell. Could partner regionally to collect that.

  • Would need to buy baler and compactor for Trade Street.

  • Need to talk to Procurement to see what can push suppliers to do re: phasing out certain types of packaging.

  • Could do small pilot of just plastic film from Animal Care with storage at FM Storehouse. Need to ask manager Abel. Lower contamination as just one source.

  • Will keep revisiting topic. Jen and student team at SRC still doing some plastic film recycling with 5 building location pickups (mostly for lab buildings) and drop off at Von’s.


  1. Review SB 1383 and SB 1335 before Oct 24th meeting in order to ask informed questions of CalRecycle visitors.
  2. Followup with Procurement re: EPS foodservice ware still sold through Marketplace. Needs to be removed.
  3. Share SB 1335 with Real Estate to see how they can work with vendors and tenants to comply.
  4. Add EDCO update to every working group meeting agenda, including sharing latest monthly diversion numbers.
  5. Have Jeffrey and Fabian present on EDCO waste audit findings once completed. (December 2019?)
  6. Sara to ask other campuses about how many buildings they have on their campus lands that are operated by others. (UCSD has a lot.) Pertinent to possible UC standard of land ownership for zero waste reporting boundaries. Could we propose a combined land ownership and operational control model?
  7. Sara to work with Colleen and Rhett to get estimate from Imprints on printing and laminating 8.5” X 11” and 11” X 17” common recycling posters for state-funded buildings. RMP leadership to review costs and decide if move forward.

More information: http://zerowaste.ucsd.edu.