12/4/20 Advisory Committee meeting
Attendees: Michelle Perez, Jen Bowser, Keith Pezzoli, Barbara Hamilton, Ken Hall, Steve Jackson, Walt Kanzler, Natalie Tran
1)UCSD Academic Senate Climate Task Force Recommendations Summary (Keith Pezzoli) and Updates from Operational Recommendations (Michelle Perez)
2)UCSD Sustainable Building Policy update (Walter Kanzler)
3)Draft Carbon Offset Policy and other recommended policy updates to the UC Sustainable Practices Policy (Michelle Perez)
4)STARS and other sustainability related surveys (Michelle Perez)
5)UCSD Annual Sustainability Awards (Michelle Perez/Jen Bowser)
AS Climate Task Force - Keith
Adam Aron and Keith Pezzoli were initial co-chairs, will become a formal non-voting committee in Academic Senate
Developed a series of reports and recommendations
34 recommendations in the notes of the slides
Climate crisis action update
Senate campus committees on climate change
No UC has an academic committee based on the climate crisis until UCSD
UCSD has a non-voting member on the academic senate
Fossil-free finance challenges
Divestment of the pension and endowment
Carbon offsets
Petition to electrify the UC system
Expand campus green infrastructure
Green New Deal at UCSD
4 campaigns led by students on campus
Developing a climate resiliency workshop for medical and academic campus
UCSD operational sustainability updates - Michelle
UCSD's carbon emissions have stayed flat over the past several years, even with UCSD's growth
Downward trend of our GHG/sqft over past several years
This year, increased waste diversion by 5% + waste generated per user also decreased
Recycler of the Year by City of SD
Other recent events on campus that were zero waste
Transportation - alternative commuting
% alternative commuting decreased in 2020 (thanks to COVID)
Received platinum diamond award
Transportation - sustainable fleet
Over 70% sustainable vehicles (including hybrid) over past 5 years, this year
15th greenest fleets
UCSD has met or exceed 20% sustainable food goal for 4th year in a row
UC will be adopting stricter standards and set new goals for 2030
Sustainability programs
Certified 100th lab in July, most in UC system
Created own in-house assessment tool
12th Annual Sustainability Awards - Jen
Had to do it virtually due to COVID, can watch ceremony on the Sustainability website
Will probably be online - Should we continue these awards? What should its format be / how should people be recognized?
People agree it should be continued, but can be streamlined/scaled back to adapt
Can have covid-related recognitions + have a medical center category
UCSD Sustainable Building Policy Update - Walt
Over 400 LEED certified buildings
Most are Gold, above minimum requirements
New rating systems like Living Building Challenge
Green Building Policy that's been in effect since 2007
Wanted to create a more technical complementary policy for design and build teams - incorporate policy in new design guidelines update - affect outcomes on projects
Creating district energy calculator
STARS - Michelle
Must submit a report on campus sustainability data by March 2021 for STARS
Connected with Princeton Review
2 surveys to send out (in the new year):
Assessing UCSD's sustainability culture
Assessing UCSD's sustainability literacy
How do we collect representative samples?
When surveying campus groups
Reach out to Teaching Learning Commons?
Add sample questions?