2/25/19 Meeting notes
Feb 25, 2019
Sara McKinstry
Robert Clossin
Michelle Perez
Hannah Campi
Chris McCracken
Jennifer Bowser
Sherlock Li
Walt Kanzler
Mirle Rabinowitz-Bussell
Hugh Hagues
Karyn Speidel
Sara McKinstry
Ken Hall
Jane Teranes
Subrata C,
Missing: Peter Sloan, Ping Liu, Gordon McCord, Dana Gibson (sent rep)
Introduction: Walt Kanzler
Your voice at this table best way to share feedback on how to move sustainability forward. Share your feedback and your department and stake holder feedback through this Committee.
Dave Weil retiring end of February 2019. Walt still chair, talking to Gary and Steve about who will be co-chair.
Michelle Perez acting as interim director sustainability.
Orchestra metaphor working across campus to make sustainability happen. How to get range of stakeholder voices and collaborate on interests. Communications and outcome are key, making recommendations to VC Matthews.
People shared their interests in sustainability and how they work on it on campus.
UC San Diego Long Range Development Plan
Robert Clossin, Campus Planning
Add in Robert’s slides
Main take-away points:
2 long range plans – link to La Jolla, Hillcrest
Min env impacts with growth projections: La Jolla Environmental Impact Review (EIR)
Students 42,400 (8 colleges, mostly undergrad students); all population of 65,600 by 2035. (Today around 50,000.) (Transportation fall cordon count does 1-day entering and leaving estimates.)
Could do up to total 27.8M GSF total size by 2035 (3.3M under 2004 LRDP and then 8.9M under 2018 LRDP). Mostly in student housing (beds): 26,000 beds (60-65% students living on campus) by 2035 (14,000 today). Using a lot of redevelopment opportunities around lower density areas. Goal to be nation’s largest residential campus. Add F/S housing in Mesa housing area and SIO (P3 development).
Increase on-campus housing: house a little under 40% now but aiming for 65% of students on campus.
Optimize light regal system to improve access and connection
Further develop University Center neighborhood (retail, access to alternative transit, welcoming to outside community)
Planning did a lot of open houses, student forums, and presentations across and off campus to get stakeholder feedback and input
Hillcrest: entirely new LRDP to redevelop the entire campus to meet seismic code and update 1963 hospital
5 land use districts, replacement hospital, phasing plan, improved circulation, parking replacement, and new residential, multi-family housing, and mixed use districts. Revenue generation too while still meeting our sustainability requirements. Add new central plant, outpatient pavilion, multi-purpose and parking, wellness center (P3), multi-family housing. Turn old hospital space into an open space park, stormwater management, etc.
May: 45-day public review of LRDP and EIR. Public hearing. Open houses are nearby church for community members. Done in five phases while hospital still open and all services still offered.
Hillcrest has health and sustainability principles, goals and objectives. Symbols to show if meet health, sustainability or both.
New Health System sustainability officer needs to brought in to be involved on Hillcrest going forward.
Question on food waste and organics recycling post-consumer: we need something bigger than one in a building and two small ones at gardens.
UC San Diego Sustainability Awards Voting Process
Jennifer Bowser, Sustainability
Link to Jen’s slides
Awards nomination link
Ceremony link: May 9, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., The Loft
Link to how to vote and due date. Start voting on March 19. Complete by March 27.
Sustainable Building Policy Update
Walt Kanzler, DDS
Link to Confluence site and three groups: Policy & Standards, Metrics & LCCA, Real Estate
Link to 2007 policy we are updating
Network of ACS, working groups and green teams: Walt on behalf on ACS wants to validate this with Gary Matthews. So depts have to designate someone’s time. Q: how does this impacts academic dept? What is appropriate level of representation? Who hears people’s proposals for ideas and funding? Does it go through ACS to Gary to make an ask? ACS’s role in vetting budgetary asks up through Gary? Questions on why SIO and other places asking for funding for sustainability when it should go to Gary’s sustainability staff? Need to layout process chart and articular ACS’s role before budget cycles begin.
ACS explore idea more before they vet framework with Gary.
Cool Campus Challenge
Sara McKinstry, Sustainability
Sign up starting mid-March.
On-campus prizes and between campus prizes
Sara will send info and flyer to help spread the word to your colleagues, students, peers, etc.
New Business: All
Discussion topics
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